March 2025
9am Inquirers Class, Parlor
9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
12:30pm Reserved, FLC
4:30pm Reserved, Parlor
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
5pm Christian Ed. Meeting, Emma Echols
5:30pm Middle School Youth, Youth Room
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
6:15pm High School Youth, Youth Room
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8am Petra, C.E. Building & Playground
6pm Basketball Practice, FLC
8am BSF Leadership meeting, FLC, C.E. Building
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg, Social Hall
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9am Bible Study Fellowship, all buildings
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
6pm Basketball Practice, FLC
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3pm Reserved, Social Hall, CE Building
12:15am Reserved, Social Hall, CE Building
8am Basketball, FLC
9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
11am Reserved, Social Hall
2:30pm Wedding Shower for Sara Locke, Social Hall
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
5:30pm Middle School Youth, Youth Room
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
6:15pm High School Youth, Youth Room
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8am Petra, C.E. Building & Playground
5pm Reserved, Social Hall, Classroom in the CE Building
8am BSF Leadership meeting, FLC, C.E. Building
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg, Social Hall
6:30pm Youth Committee Meeting, Youth Room
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9am Bible Study Fellowship, all buildings
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
6pm Reserved, Social Hall
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High School Spring Retreat
Reserved, Sanctuary, Parlor, FLC
2pm Johnnie Rockholt Funeral Service, Sanctuary
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High School Spring Retreat
7:45am Men's Breakfast, FLC
High School Spring Retreat
9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
4:45pm Missions Meeting, Parlor
5:30pm Middle School Youth, Youth Room
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
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8am Petra, C.E. Building & Playground
10am Friendship Circle meeting
10am Lily Lesslie Circle
7pm Sunshine Circle meeting, FLC classroom
7pm Deacons Meeting, Social Hall
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11am Neely's Creekers, Social Hall
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg, Social Hall
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7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
6pm Reserved, Social Hall
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12:15pm Azure Delivery, Parking Lot
9am Volunteer Training, Sanctuary
9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
4pm Worship Committee Meeting, Parlor
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
5:30pm Middle School Youth, Youth Room
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
6:15pm High School Youth, Youth Room
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8am Petra, C.E. Building & Playground
5:30pm Reserved, FLC
8am BSF Leadership meeting, FLC, C.E. Building
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg
7pm Session, Social Hall
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9am Bible Study Fellowship, all buildings
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
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Middle School Spring Retreat
2:30pm Reserved, FLC
5:30pm Reserved, FLC
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Middle School Spring Retreat
8:30am Church-Wide Workday
Middle School Spring Retreat
9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
2:30pm Abbey Williams Baby Shower, Social Hall
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
5pm Christian Ed. Meeting, Emma Echols
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
6:15pm High School Youth, Youth Room
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9am Reserved, Social Hall
5:30pm Reserved, Social Hall, Classroom in the CE Building
5:30pm Reserved, FLC
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8am BSF Leadership meeting, FLC, C.E. Building
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg, Social Hall
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9am Bible Study Fellowship, all buildings
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
6pm Reserved, Classroom in CE
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9am Sunday School, various locations
10am Worship Service, Sanctuary
4:30pm Handbell Practice, Social Hall
5:30pm Middle School Youth, Youth Room
6pm Children's Choirs, C.E. Building & Choir Room
6pm Faith, Fellowship & Prayer Meeting, Social Hall
6:15pm High School Youth, Youth Room
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8am Petra, C.E. Building & Playground
11:30am Reserved, Sanctuary
5:30pm Reserved, FLC
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8am BSF Leadership meeting, FLC, C.E. Building
3pm Reserved, Sanctuary
6:30pm Trail Life, FLC
6:30pm American Heritage Girls, Christian Ed bldg, Social Hall
6:30pm Youth Committee Meeting, Youth Room
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9am Bible Study Fellowship, all buildings
4pm Reserved, Sanctuary
7:30pm Adult Choir Practice, Choir Room
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1:30pm Small Bus, Reserved
2:30pm Club at the Creek, FLC, BUS
3:30pm Reserved, Sanctuary
4pm Small Bus Reserved, Youth
5:30pm Youth Bible Study, Youth Room
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6pm Reserved, Sanctuary, Social Hall
6:30am Reserved, FLC
8am Missions Festival Breakfast (Neely's Creek), FLC
8am Reserved, Social Hall, Sanctuary, Choir Room
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